

Hona hemen gaur sukaldaritza tailerrean egin dugun errezetaren bideoa. ON EGIN!


Urtarrilaren 27an MADOU  etorri  zen  eskolara  eta  gauza  batzuk  kontatu  zizkigun.

Gero galdera  batzuk  egin  genizkion  eta  beraiek  horrela  bizi  direla  esan  zigun.

Beraien  idazteko  letra  erakutsi  zigun.

Bukatutakoan, Madourekin  argazkia    atera  genuen.

                          2. mailako ikasleak


Eskerrak ematen  dizkizugu, Madou, eskolara  etortzeagatik  eta eskerrak  eman  nahi  dizkiegu  Markel eta Lurdesi  jarduera  honetan  hainbeste  laguntzeagatik.



On Monday 13th, we took the bus at 9:15 and we went to Bidania, Albiztur and Asteasu. We arrived in Urnieta at 10:30. We left the suitcases in the hall and we went to the activity room. There the teachers introduced themselves and they explained the rules of the internship.         



The teachers made four groups:Australia, England, Ireland and U.S.A. 

In the mornings we had classes of universe and natural disaster, human body, water cycle, team green planet and healthy food.

In these pictures we see Ireland presenting a volcano.

In the next picture we are preparing the presentation of our work.
Another day we did a contest and we made squeletons.

On Wednesday we did a trip to Urnieta and there we played games and we went to a park to eat a sandwich and to play.

In the evening we played  music box. It  was very good!!!  We enjoyed a lot.

 On Thursday we made a cake and we ate it on Friday morning.

We had free time at 11:00, 14:15 and 15:00.

The playground of Pakeleku was very good  and big. We played  football, pin pong and volleyball. We had a piece of fruit too.

We played with  the teachers of Pake Leku: Kerry, Lewis  Kobe, Jacob and Andrew.

We went to our bedrooms at ten . The first night we ate Alejandro's chocolate cake because we celebrated his birthday and we had a good time. Then we played cards. 

In the other nigths we played cards,we did yoga and more plays with our friends of Bidani, Asteasu and Albiztur.

The breakfast was at half past eight. In the breakfast we had cereals, jam with bull and ham. 

The lunch was at half past one and we had diferent food: salad, soup, chicken, fish, pizza, hamburger and fruit or yogurth. 

Finally, we had dinner at eigth and we had diferent food too: lentils,rice,eggs,... 

Every day the helper tidied up the tables.

The last night was the disco night. We danced and we enjoyed a lot!

And the last day the teachers gave us a diploma.

We were excided and it was very funny!

We made very good  friends from Bidania, Albiztur and Asteasu in the internship!!!

We hope to see them very soon the 6th of March in the Olympics of rural schools in Berazubi!!!

We arrived in Errezil on Friday the 17th of January at four in the afternoon.

3rd cycle students



Hona hemen gaur sukaldaritza tailerrean egin dugun errezetaren bideoa. ON EGIN!

TIPI-TAPAkoekin 2.saioa

Atzo, urtarrilak 23, TIPI TAPAkoekin saiotxo bat egin genuen 5.mailako 4 ikaslek: Iker, Aitor, Alaitz eta Aiara.

Lehenengo, frontoira joan ginen eta han luzaketa batzuk egin genituen Naroak azalduta, nola egin.

Gero, Arabe aldera joan ginen eta San Josen argazki bat atera genuen denak batera. 

Izugarri ondo pasa genduen!!!

Iker, Aitor, Alaitz eta Aiara



Atzo liburuz osatutako gurpildun kutxa ibiltaria jaso genuen eskolan, "LIBUREN ALTXORRA". Aurretik Txinkortan egon da, Bidania-Goiatzeko  eskolan, eta orain  hilabetez egongo da gurean.

Dakizuenez, Galtzagorri Euskal Haur eta Gazte Literatura elkartearen egitasmoa da berau, eta Gipuzkoako zein Bizkaiko eskola txikietako haurren irakurtzeko zaletasuna sustatzea du helburu nagusi.

Adin guztietarako liburuak daude bertan, eta mota guztietakoak: ipuinak, eleberriak, olerki liburuak, jakintza liburuak... eta eskolan bertan edota etxean irakur ditzakegu:bakarka, binaka, lagunekin, gurasoekin...

A, eta gurasook ere parte har dezakezue: liburu bat aukeratu eta gure gelara etorri irakurtzera, guk gustura entzungo zaituztegu eta!!! Animatu!!!

Hemen dituzue Imanolekin, Galtzagorriko teknikariarekin, izandako aurkezpen saioen argazkitxo batzuk: